SunSystems Collect provides you with a debtor management system for flexible account handling, with superb credit management and debt collection facilities.
It delivers thorough analysis of debtor days and cash flow, close monitoring of debtors and the ability to track collection quickly and easily. Key features enable you to:
Save time spent on administrative tasks
Assess a client's payment behavior before reviewing their credit limit
Maintain a complete history of your dealings with an account
Automate collection diary notes & follow-up tasks
Streamline your collection process
Maximize your first pass yield in the collections function
Increase your cash flow
Using SunSystems Collect means you can reduce Days Sales Outstanding to improve cash flow, while minimizing your collection costs. Use our online calculator to provide an assessment of the improved cash flow potential for your business by clicking here.
Accessing debtor information
SunSystems Collect enables you to record and inquire on key aspects of debtor information, to quickly identify offending debtors and provide improved cash flow analysis. It provides:
Maintenance of unlimited contacts, addresses and categories
Debtor re-aging according to user defined bands
Statistical summaries by account to improve understanding of debt situation
Fully definable status flags
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) reports
Full analysis and reporting
Full multi-currency and euro compliance
Full drill down capability enables staff to access supporting information to make faster decisions, while encouraging customers to reduce outstanding debt - e.g. by making payments by installment. SunSystems Collect delivers:
The ability to view source financial transactions and allow installment payments
Automated transaction status updates
Drill down to view and reprint original transaction
Web enabled functionality (iCollect)
Streamlining collection activities
By streamlining collection activity through improved task management and automation, the system ensures that relevant information is delivered when and where needed. This delivers efficient processing and a reduction in debtor days, using the following facilities:
Listing of tasks by collector, action required or diary dates
Tracking of future activity by user or by action
Storage of collection documents, letters, spreadsheets, etc, in a debtor note
Management of unlimited notes against accounts
Linking of transactions to actioned notes
Automated reminders and statements
Increased contact capability for dispute escalation
By delivering comprehensive, relevant, real-time customer information to the desktop, combined with proactive collection techniques, high debtor days can be banished to the past. Tighter control of debtor information and your collection processes means improved control of your business.