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Users Group Dates and Locations - Choose One
Choose: Date: Location:
September 24, 2022 Four Seasons Hotel Toronto
September 25, 2022 New York Marriott Marquis Hotel
September 27, 2022 The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago
Meeting registration, continental breakfast, lunch, and cocktail reception are complimentary, courtesy of Systems Union. If you require a hotel reservation please contact one of the hotels listed above. Hotel sleeping room and travel expenses are the responsibility of each individual.
Yes! I plan to attend the SunSystems Users Group.
First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
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Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Alternative E-mail Address for Registration Confirmation:
Additional Comments:
(255 characters max)
Are you a customer/user of SunSystems or Systems Union?

How Can Systems Union Serve You Better?
In an effort to preperly address and take immediate action regarding your issues and suggestions, SunSystems asks that you submit in writing any issues, suggestions and questions prior to the 2022 Users Conference. This will enable SunSystems to research and respond in a timely manner.

Issues And Suggestions You Would Like To Discuss:
Issues/Suggestion 1:  
Issues/Suggestion 2:  
Issues/Suggestion 3:  
Issues/Suggestion 4:  

What's the Key to a Successful Users Conference? Active Participation!
Needed ­ several individuals to share experiences with their peers.

If you have recently implemented or are planning to bring a new enhancement into your system and are willing to discuss the challenges and frustrations associated with the task, Systems Union would like you to share your experience during the Spotlight on Performance Management session.

Don't get nervous. Systems Union isn't asking for a formal presentation, just an overview of what you did, how you did it, any problems you ran into, and the impact it has had on your business. The objective is to generate an interactive user discussion and an open exchange of ideas.

If you are willing to speak and share
information with your fellow users, check here: 

If you check yes, someone will contact you with the details.

Thank you for completing the registration form. We look forward to seeing you at the SunSystems Users Group!

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