Delivery of Vision pan application reporting and analysis, plus data warehousing
Systems Union Group announced today that it has successfully concluded an agreement with its partner Lasata to extend its SunSystems Analytics portfolio through the delivery of Vision pan application reporting and analysis and data warehousing products. The agreement extends the existing SunSystems Vision reporting and analysis product suite and will run, at least, until the end of the decade.
Paul Coleman, chief executive officer at Systems Union Group, commented: "The increasingly complex reporting regulations and corporate accountability imposed on today's businesses, together with the need to analyse key performance indicators (KPI's) quickly, have created an increased demand for advanced business intelligence solutions. Our enhanced analytics offerings will enable management, at all levels, to better plan, manage and direct their businesses more dynamically than before, irrespective of the source of their software or the origin of the data. We expect these new analytics tools to help affect the future role of finance departments from reactive reporting to proactively helping their businesses develop and grow."
SunSystems' extended analytics suite will allow users to conduct enquiries and perform comprehensive examination of cross application data using analysis tools including drill down, expand, breakout and cube analysis. The new pan application offering uses innovative technology to access data from multiple applications through an intelligent business logic layer. This contains data access logic, business rules, security, data transformation, language translations and presentation formats. In addition the new suite also has the ability to extract data into a MicrosoftTM SQL Server relational database and then generate MicrosoftTM Analysis Services based multi-dimensional cubes. This powerful data warehousing capability will allow users to perform much more complex reporting down to transactional levels and to quickly analyse the key operational and financial areas of their business.
In today's increasingly competitive markets the ability to quickly access KPI's on an enterprise-wide basis and act on them will become a critical success factor and SunSystems Analytics will allow users to manage their businesses more effectively.
SunSystems is a portfolio of integrated financial management and business intelligence applications, which help decision-makers gain a broader perspective on the business, and provide the ability to analyze the operational detail.
For more than 20 years, we have delivered global, low-risk solutions that are designed for rapid, low-cost deployment, helping our users to meet the demands placed on the finance function.
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