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[PQIS ]   Core System Rollout    Implementation Planning   Implementing Euro  
Shared Service Center    Site Audit    Software Upgrade Service    SunSystems Implementation Service    Technology Services

Consulting Sub 1 Professional Quality Implementation Service - PQIS

PQIS provides formal implementation methodologies combined with expert project management to ensure thorough planning and proactive issue resolution. This means that implementations are undertaken consistently around the world, ensuring proven and rapid deployment of the system, a faster return on investment, and a reduced risk of project failure.

The foundation for the PQIS range of services is the SunSystems Implementation Service. This provides a project planning blueprint, designed specifically for SunSystems, and proven in implementations worldwide.

Project management ensures delivery on time and on budget, making the best use of all available resources. The project manager provides accurate feedback to the customer, detailing progress and issues to ensure the ultimate objective is met.

Extended PQIS services include the Implementation Planning Study, Site Audit and Software Upgrade Service.

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